June 26th – 29th 2025
Where is it?
Please Register for a stay as soon as possible at:
Denver East / Strasburg KOA Holiday
1312 Monroe Street
Strasburg , CO 80136
Website: https://koa.com/campgrounds/denver-east/
Reservations: https://koa.com/campgrounds/denver-east/reserve/
- June 26th Thursday
Arrive and get settled in, hit the pool? - June 27th Friday
1200 – Setup for Field Day can begin
1800 – Burgers at the Main Cabin, meet and greet. - June 28th Saturday
1200 – Field Day operating begins
1600 – 1800 – BBQ Dinner
1830 – Night Operating Begins - June 29th Sunday
0700 – 0900 – Breakfast & Exit Meeting
1100 – Checkout
1200 – Field Day Operations Stop
What is this event about?
Every year Colorado Amateur Radio or Ham Radio people go out and setup radios they have prepared to work in the field. It is always the last weekend of June so this year CARBBN, Colorado Ready and CRRG are teaming up for a Preparedness Field Day event. Meaning that if you want to camp and test your outdoor preparedness along with learn something about basic Medical preparedness please join us.
Communications Plan
On-Site Communications
FM Simplex: 446.250MHz
C4FM GM: 145.5625MHz DG-ID:0
APRS Messaging: 144.390MHz (AC0XW-9, KE0DC-7 monitored)
Meshtastic: (keys provided on-site)