CRRG Weekly Net
Join us on Sundays at 1900 on the Mestaa’ėhehe Mountain repeater, 146.670MHz [-] PL Tone 100Hz, for our weekly net.
We take check ins and have general chit chat and discuss anything related to the repeaters and club. All radio amateurs may participate in this net.

Digital Ham Radio Q&A Saturday Mornings
Join us for the Digital Ham Radio Q&A session every Saturday morning at 8:00 AM Mountain Time. Connect and engage with fellow amateur radio enthusiasts on the following platforms: XLX022H, XLX720H, AmComm Talk Group 31081, and TGIF Talk Group 356. Each session covers a variety of topics, including FT8, JS8, Olivia, DMR, YSF, and more. This is a great opportunity to ask questions, explore digital modes, share knowledge, and stay updated on the latest in digital ham radio technology.
Full Details Here –> Saturday Morning Q&A

Colorado Preparedness Net
The Colorado Preparedness Net meets each Saturday at 0930 on the Colorado Connection for the discussion of preparedness for disasters and other events that could or have affected our state.
Find the Digital Edition Net on the following Talk Groups:
DMR: BM TG 31088
D-Star: DCS/XRF 303D
YSF: 30300
NXDN: TG 31088
P25: TG 31088

Colorado ARES
Adams-Arapahoe ARES Weekly On the Air Net
Weekly Sunday on the air net held on the repeater frequency of 146.670 [-] (100.0 PL input/output) at 0930 for 30 minutes.
All the details available here →