CRRG resumes Sunday night net
CRRG has resumed the Sunday night net. We take check-ins from all Radio Amateurs. Join us Sunday night at 1900 on the 146.670MHz [-] repeater.
CRRG has resumed the Sunday night net. We take check-ins from all Radio Amateurs. Join us Sunday night at 1900 on the 146.670MHz [-] repeater.
CRRG is looking for operators to run Net Control for the Sunday evening Net and the other nets run by CRRG. If you are interested in becoming a Net Control station please reach out to the club on Telegram or directly to N0KMO ( There are several nets on the …
CRRG has paused the Sunday night net for the next few months. The board is busy planning repairs, defining roles and establishing the club roster. Don’t let this stop you from using the repeaters though! If you are interested in volunteering to be Net Control please reach out on Telegram …
A new application is in development from the Open Research Institute. It is a new texting application for use in VHF, UHF and HF over FM, SSB and AM, it withstands Bluetooth compression and uses OFDM. It is worth a read on their website and be sure to watch the …