Olivia Summer QSO Party

Information on the Olivia mode: https://oliviadigitalmode.org/

Oliva is an awesome mode that doesn’t get enough love – NR0D

Olivia is a MFSK mode used for keyboard-to-keyboard communications. Olivia is NOT a weak-signal mode. While it is a mode that can decode weak signals, it is not a weak-signal mode like JT65 or FT8. The Olivia mode was designed not for weak-signal decoding as the primary design objective, but to overcome propagation-path phase issues and transpolar-region propagation challenges on HF.

Join in and learn, teach and participate in some Olivia mode communications. The event will be from August 9th 1800 to August 12th 1759, with certificates presented by NW7US (details here)

Across the Front Range we will be using 6M USB 50.2915MHz and mode 8/250. Be sure to join us and explore Olivia mode!