
Castle Rock Repeater Group currently has 3 repeaters across the Front Range. The Mestaa’ėhehe Mountain repeater provides the widest area coverage of any repeater in Colorado.

If you are new to Ham Radio or need a refresher, check out this primer pdf on how to operate on a repeater and sound like a pro!

Be sure to read the Acceptable Use Policy of CRRG before using the repeaters.

Mestaa’ėhehe Mountain (formerly Squaw)FM146.670 146.070100 in/outCheyenne Wyoming, East to Limon, South to Colorado Springs and West to the Continental Divide.Listen Live
Smokey Hill / Denver 2MFM145.400 144.900100 incross-linked to 448.500MHzDenver, South Denver
Smokey Hill / Denver 70CMFM448.500 443.500100 incross-linked to 145.400MHzDenver, South Denver

Neighborhood Nodes

Neighborhoods Nodes are nodes that are simplex and connect into the digital systems through the internet typically. Several different modes are available, such as D-Star, DMR and Wires-x. The table below contains the information for each node.

Wires-X441.100MHz (simplex)72nd & Sheridan, WestminsterFull Wires-X Control, Defaults to Room 00728, 25W

Talk Groups

NetworkTalk Group IDUse
TGIF356Digital Learning Net, XLX022 Module H
AmComm31081Digital Learning Net, XLX022 Module H
AmComm31082CRRG, XLX022 Module C
Wires-X00728CRRG, Room 00728, XLX022 Module C, Module H During the Saturday Morning Net


CCRRGWires-X Room 00728, AmComm TG 31082
HDigital Learning Net TGIF 356, Linked to XLX720H, AmComm TG 31081, Wires-X 00728 Only During the Net
IInterlinkInterlinked to XLX303, XLX720, XLX372
XLX022 Dashboard: